5 Questions with Software Engineer Team Lead Justin Cooper

Arthrex Lead Software Developer Justin Cooper in front of a computer screen at the INC location.

What does a typical day at Arthrex look like for you? 

My day always begins with a quick touch-base meeting with the team. We all share what we did yesterday, our goals for today, and if there’s anything blocking us from accomplishing these goals. My days vary from writing code, mentoring/coaching other developers, and planning/designing our software applications. Throughout my day, I like to take notes and always try to have my goals accomplished before turning off my machine at the end of the day.

What do you enjoy most about your job? 

There is so much I enjoy about being a developer. It is the best job in the world! The thing I enjoy the most is seeing all the moving pieces come together to create an elegant software application, from those initial stages of brainstorming ideas, rapid prototyping, designing the architecture, to finally releasing the application to our customers.

What has been a highlight during your time at Arthrex? 

My most recent highlight was the launch of the new search experience on Arthrex.com. I enjoy challenging projects. Adapting to new technologies and services is a great learning experience and opportunity for growth. It’s been awesome working with so many individuals who I have not worked with before to accomplish our goal of improving the search experience for our users.

Our core value is Making People Better. How has Arthrex made you better?

Arthrex has made me a better leader. I’ve been given many opportunities to grow in my career at Arthrex by taking the lead on numerous software projects as well as mentoring newer software engineers. I’ve also been given the opportunity to take classes and receive training on leadership and what it means to be a leader at Arthrex. Arthrex has sculpted me into the leader I’ve become and I am incredibly grateful.

What do you do in your downtime? 

I mostly spend time with my wife and two kids. I love roughhousing with my kids, watching movies with my wife, and playing all sports, especially football and basketball. I built a home gym in my garage, so I always find time in the day to do strength conditioning. And lastly, if I am not doing any of the above, I enjoy playing competitive video games like "Rocket League."

Career Opportunities

At Arthrex, passion for technology and the development of innovative software applications intersect. Our software professionals understand the key role they are playing in helping advance evidence-based medicine. Join one of our software engineering teams and start making a difference.

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